NOTE: Japan sizes are 2x smaller than US sizes. If your US size is Large (L), the equivalent Japan size is XXL. Please refer to the Size Chart above for comparison.
For some casual street style, the Oleno Harem Denim Pants is a fantastic choice. In black, blue and gray, this pair of loose pants is made from cotton and polyester.
Very cool look
Super comfortable even for an old dude like me
I’ll be buying more
Item type:
Gray / XL (US) / XXXL (Japan)
René Q.
Very good looking and confort.
Item type:
Blue / 2XL (US) / 5XL (Japan)
Masahide R.
My height is 165 cm and my weight is 71 kg. The size I ordered was M (US), which was just my size. The reason why I chose four stars is the front pocket. I wanted you to be fixed front pockets. When I use front pockets, Both pockets comes out with my hand. However, I like the design and the price. Thank you.
Item type:
Black / M (US) / XXL (Japan)